Mindy and Rich attended their local Go Red Luncheon on Friday, April 29. Mindy served on the American Heart Association’s executive leadership team as an advisor for the annual luncheon, and this year BCWM participated for the first time, purchasing a table in support of the organization’s fundraising efforts.

Go Red for Women is a campaign created by the American Heart Association to dispel the myth that heart disease affects mainly older men, and to raise awareness of heart disease as the number one killer of women.

Go Red For Women is a passionate, emotional, social initiative designed to empower women to take charge of their heart health. In 2010, the American Heart Association set a strategic goal of reducing death and disability from cardiovascular disease and strokes by 20% while improving the cardiovascular health of all Americans by 20% by the year 2020.

The American Heart Association uses all revenues from local and National Go Red For Women activities to support awareness, research, education and community programs to benefit women. The funds allow the organization to offer educational programs, advance women’s understanding about their risk for heart disease and provide tools and motivation to help women reduce their risk to protect their health.

For example, the Go Red Heart CheckUp has engaged over 2 million women to learn their risk of heart disease. Based the American Heart Association’s research, a woman who “Goes Red” follows an exercise routine, eats a healthier diet, visits her doctor for important tests and influences others by talking about heart health. (Source: Go Red For Women Database Survey, fall 2007)

Funds raised by Go Red For Women activities also support research to discover scientific knowledge about heart health. The American Heart Association turns this science into materials and tools that healthcare providers and decision-makers can use to help women. Scientific guidelines on women and healthcare providers receive the most up-to-date strategies and treatments tailored to a woman’s individual risk. Toolkits, pocket versions of guidelines for women, and special reports, and continuing medical education give healthcare providers the tools to ensure that women are being treated according to the guidelines. Through the national sponsor, Merck & Co., over 200,000 healthcare provider offices have received Go Red For Women educational tools to use with patients.

The American Heart Association has consistently met the high standards of the Better Business Bureau’s Wise giving Alliance (WGA), the premier organization for evaluating charitable organizations. View a gallery of photos from this event.

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