Laura Carley, BCWM Wealth Advisor, joined other members of the Overland Park Young Professionals (YP) for the group’s first YP Cares event on July 20, 2010 at SAFEHOME.
The Young Professionals is a new program of the Overland Park Chamber of Commerce designed to provide professional, social, and mentoring opportunities to those in their 20s and 30s who work or live in the Overland Park area.The YP Cares branch of the Young Professionals group was created to give individuals the opportunity to learn about, volunteer, and contribute to charitable organizations.
For this first event, 16 YP members volunteered to sort through all the clothing donations and restock SAFEHOME’s clothes closet. SAFEHOME is the only program of services for victims and survivors of domestic violence in Johnson County. SAFEHOME provides shelter and outreach services to help gain inner strength, build self-esteem, explore options and establish a life free of violence.
During their time at the facility YP volunteers organized everything that had been awaiting sorting in the donation room, leaving behind empty shelves and a clean floor, something that the SAFEHOME staff greatly appreciated.
Interest in the new YP Cares group has been overwhelming, and the next event is volunteering with Habitat for Humanity, tentatively scheduled for October 9.
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