One of the things we’ve learned in our business is that when virtually the entire investment world is absolutely, positively sure something is going to occur, not only does it NOT occur but the opposite usually does. Occasionally these are called “bubbles,” like the tech-stock bubble when everyone was convinced tech stocks would only go…

The Risk of Looking Wrong

Our business is an interesting one. Every day we have to decide how to get the best potential return with the least amount of risk. It’s a business that requires us to peer into the future and attempt to determine the risks, based upon market levels, historical performance outcomes, and geo-political possibilities.

Learning the Hard Way

There’s an old joke we like to repeat from time to time. It goes like this: “How do you make a 33 year-old guy act like a 43 year-old guy?”  The answer?  “Wait ten years.” It’s not the kind of joke that elicits huge belly laughs, but delivered at the proper moment and in the…

February Madness

In our Investment Commentary last month, Good News is Bad News, we illustrated how the dramatic drop in the stock market was instigated by ONE measly data point. Wage growth for the month of January ran a little higher than expected, stoking fears of inflation. We didn’t panic because we were not concerned (yet) that…

Good News is Bad News

This week witnessed one of the largest selloffs in the market since 2011. CNBC couldn’t have been more giddy. Perceived fear and panic equal increased ratings. And television news is NOT about relevant information. It is about ratings. Even our own local meteorologist tweeted about the selloff on Monday: Proving that meteorologists should stick to…