The Hazards of Trying to Time the Market

Contrary to what many “experts” would have you believe, no one — and this includes our team at Boyer Corporon Wealth Management — has a crystal ball (although we do consult our Magic 8 Ball and it says, “Ask Again Later”). We can make educated predictions, but we do not know when the next market…

Good News is Bad News

This week witnessed one of the largest selloffs in the market since 2011. CNBC couldn’t have been more giddy. Perceived fear and panic equal increased ratings. And television news is NOT about relevant information. It is about ratings. Even our own local meteorologist tweeted about the selloff on Monday: Proving that meteorologists should stick to…

Tax Reform

Significant tax reformation last occurred in 1986, under the Reagan administration. Thirty-two years later, we are not surprised that new tax legislation has arrived. If you prefer not to wade through countless articles and books to decipher how the Tax Cuts & Job Acts of 2017 might impact you, continue reading. We have laid out…

Cruel Expectations

Twelve months ago, approximately one half of U.S. voters were fairly certain that the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States would bring quick havoc to the financial system. If stock market performance is a barometer of presidential performance (it isn’t), those voters were wrong. At least, so far. In fact, 2017…

Tips for Preventing Fraud

Cybercrime and fraud are serious threats and constant vigilance is key. While Boyer & Corporon Wealth Management (BCWM) plays an important role in helping protect your assets, you can also take action to protect yourself and help secure your information. This checklist summarizes common cyber fraud tactics, along with tips and best practices. Many suggestions…