BCWM Webinar

Portfolio Management Webinar coming April 30, 2025. More details to come.

Prepare for Landing

What a difference a month can make. The day after we published our last Commentary, Donald Trump and Joe Biden were about to square off in the first presidential debate, and we wrote: “If Trump appears to have gained the upper hand in the debate, look for the Democratic Party to quickly find another presidential…

No Debate: America Loses

Tomorrow night, President Joe Biden will square off in a debate against former President Donald Trump . . . a very old man vs. a slightly older very old man. This will likely be the most-watched presidential debate in history . . . and at the same time the most “painful to watch” presidential debate…

Emerge, Make Noise, and Die

This year is witnessing the emergence of two massive broods of cicadas (pronounced sә-kādә): Brood XIX and Brood XIII. These cicada populations stay underground for 13 and 17 years, respectively, and live off the sap of tree roots. Then they come out for six weeks to make a lot of noise, mate, and die while…

I’ll Be Back

Forty years ago, Arnold Schwarzenegger starred in “The Terminator,” a movie about a cybernetic assassin who travels back in time to kill a woman whose son (yet to be born) will save the world from extinction . . . extinction from an Artificial Intelligence in a “post-apocalyptic world.” What’s interesting (and a tad bit scary)…