More Easy Money from the Fed

Federal Reserve Chairman, Ben Bernanke, announced that the Federal Reserve Bank would continue its monthly purchases of Treasury securities ($45 billion) and mortgage-backed securities ($40 billion). He didn't say specifically for how long, but stated the Fed may start scaling back later this year and halt them entirely in mid-2014. Don’t hold your breath. Reasons…

Doomsday Investing is Always Premature

The first stock market downturn arrived in June after seven consecutive months of positive returns. The U.S. markets declined only a little more than 1% and foreign markets (the EAFE Index) declined about 3.5%. After yearly gains of over 20%, it is surprising how rattled some investors get after a tiny bit of profit taking.…

My Dentist is Busy

May marked the seventh consecutive month of increases for the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the S&P 500. Since the end of October, the DJIA and the S&P 500 have increased just over 17% each. Over the past twelve months, the S&P 500 has increased over 27%! Both indexes have hit new highs in the…

Race to the Bottom

I just returned from the annual Strategic Investment Conference in Carlsbad, California where some of our industry’s brightest minds exchanged thoughts, ideas, data and predictions. Economists, hedge fund managers, analysts and high-net worth investors gather here each year to try to figure out how to best navigate the economic and geo-political waters for the next…

Brahms’ Lullaby Economy

March Madness has come and gone, leaving in its wake a stock market that can’t seem to find investors willing to sell. The S&P 500 increased 3.75% in March and 10.6% for the first quarter of the year. Attempts to sell stocks and drive the stock market down have been miserable failures for the past…