Trains, Cranes & Demographics

Last month, I attended the annual conference of the CFA Institute, a gathering of Chartered Financial Analysts from all over the world. This year’s conference was held in Frankfurt, Germany, attracting more attendees from Europe and Asia than usual. My wife and I arrived a week early to take advantage of the opportunity to travel…

Sibling Rivalries & Dick-tatorships

I will be in Frankfurt, Germany next week where the 68th annual conference for Chartered Financial Analysts is being held. Once a year, nerds from all over the globe gather to talk about the current state of the economic world. Usually, host cities alternate between the U.S. and a foreign destination (last year was Seattle…

Fed Up

Janet Yellen, Chair of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, spoke last week after the Board’s two-day meeting. Her speech was an attempt to clarify the Fed’s stance on raising interest rates someday. We all know they will eventually raise interest rates, but many economic “know-it-alls” keep playing a cat and mouse…

BCWM Sponsors SevenDays to Make a Ripple, Change the World

Following the April 13, 2014 tragedy at the Jewish Community Campus and Village Shalom in Overland Park, Kansas, a group of caring individuals decided that we, as a community, have the power to outshine and overcome such senseless acts of hate. Boyer & Corporon Wealth Management is proud to sponsor SevenDays, a challenge for young…