Fiscal Mudslide

Just prior to the election four years ago, in my November Investment Commentary I wrote, “The economic issues today...are much bigger than either of the presidential candidates. The loser might be the winner in this election.” I could repeat that statement today except the part about the loser being the winner. I’m confident Mitt Romney…

Vice Presidential Debate – Biden Accomplishes Goal – DON’T LOSE!

The vice presidential debate was not about substance. It was about style. Let’s face it, very few voters, if any, will cast their ballot based on the outcome of any vice-presidential debate. However, after Obama’s lackluster performance in the first presidential debate, a sound defeat of Biden by Ryan would have been a significant setback…

Round 1 – Romney in a TKO

Is it just me or did President Obama decide he didn’t need to prepare for the first presidential debate? I know it’s a busy job being president of the most powerful nation on the planet but what was going on this past week that kept him from rehearsing his responses? Did he think he could…

Still Hoping for Change

Four years ago this month, the financial world walked to the edge of a cliff just weeks before a presidential election. During September, 2008, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were placed into conservatorship and taken over by the U.S. Government. Merrill Lynch was taken over by Bank of America, Washington Mutual by JP Morgan, Wachovia…

Ryan Gives Romney a Chance

The race for President of the United States just got interesting. Mitt Romney’s choice of Paul Ryan as his running mate pits Romney/Ryan against Obama/what’s-his-name. Romney has signaled his lack of desperation by NOT choosing a running mate as inexperienced as what’s-her-name, and his choice of Paul Ryan is a bold statement that this campaign…