Statistics Can Be Deceiving

My October Investment Commentary (KC Royals) included a graph illustrating the S&P 500 Index’s growth since 1985. In that graph, I pointed out high and low points and suggested that we might be currently near a high point. Statistics (and graphs made from statistics) can be deceiving. Chris Harrington, our senior portfolio manager, pointed out…

Dollar is Still King

Last year proved to be another good year for the U.S. economy, as well as the U.S. stock market, while wreaking havoc on foreign economies and foreign stock markets. The S&P 500 increased 13.66% while the All World (ex U.S.) Index declined 3.87%. A 50%+ decline in the price of oil blistered countries (and companies)…

ADL Honors Corporon, LaManno Families for Fighting Hate

[caption id="attachment_3616" align="alignnone" width="850" class="center"] ADL In Concert Against Hate honorees included Lukas Losen (front row, from left); Mindy Corporon; David Friedman, ADL Washington, D.C., Regional Director; Melinda Corporon, Alissa LaManno, and Jim LaManno. Second Row: Patricia Mills; Billy Mills; Barbara Fox; Jean Baptiste Rudatsikira; Jacqueline Murekatete; Leonard Losen; Gian LaManno and Brian Fowler.[/caption] The…

Standing Strong with the ADL

I grew up in a small town in Oklahoma. Before turning 22 and moving to Overland Park, KS, my education and way of life included a variety of topics but none of them were religious education beyond Christianity. My first introduction to Judaism was when I went to work at Kidder, Peabody with Richard Boyer.…

Gas Wars

It will probably never get to the point where competing gas stations conduct “gas wars” like they did back in the 60s. Heck, it’s hard to find two stations across the street from each other anymore. But if the price of oil continues to plummet, it may start to FEEL like stations are having a…