Ukraine Pain

For the first time in over a year, investors were faced recently with legitimate “headline risk.” Not since the bogus “Fiscal Cliff” scare of late 2012 have there been headlines frightening enough to make investors worry. I have said all along that securities markets prefer tranquility. They don’t like noise and uncertainty. Markets like Disney…

What’s in a Title?

Boyer & Corporon Wealth Management is pleased to introduce two new, talented individuals to our growing team. New names, faces and in this case, titles provides a little insight into our plans for growth. We welcome a CFA Level II candidate and one Director of First Impressions. The Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation is globally recognized…

January Chill

January got everyone’s attention. A declining stock market always gets attention and last month the S&P lost 3.4% after a 30% increase in 2013. The Dow Jones Industrial Average lost over 5% and foreign stock markets were down as well. As usual, pundits are falling all over themselves assigning blame for the sell-off in January.…

What is Your Tolerance for Investment Risk?

In the data gathering phase of the financial planning process, assuming the process is followed, it is not uncommon for the typical financial advisor to ask questions related to their prospective client’s risk tolerance. A common financial profiling interrogation might sound like this: Investing involves a tradeoff between risk and return. Historically, investors who have…

Same Faces. New Roles & Responsibilities.

"Nothing gives us greater pride than to see our team members grow and succeed." Those were the words of Boyer & Corporon Wealth Management Chief Executive Officer Mindy Corporon as she announced the promotions of three team members earlier this month. Corporon and co-founder Rich Boyer recognized that significant firm growth was putting demands on leadership and the team.…