Same Faces. New Roles & Responsibilities.

"Nothing gives us greater pride than to see our team members grow and succeed." Those were the words of Boyer & Corporon Wealth Management Chief Executive Officer Mindy Corporon as she announced the promotions of three team members earlier this month. Corporon and co-founder Rich Boyer recognized that significant firm growth was putting demands on leadership and the team.…

Prohibition Déjà Vu

Colorado approved the sale of marijuana for “recreational use” starting January 1 this year. Let’s be frank… any state that has ever approved marijuana for any use has essentially approved it for use recreationally. Twenty states have already approved the use of marijuana for “medicinal” use, but we all know that was just an end…

Another Boring Month of Stock Market Gains

We received an email recently from a client requesting that we wire $85,000 to an overseas account. What was intriguing about the email was that it was very authentic at first glance. The email was sent from our client’s Gmail account. It was not the beginning of a new dialogue, but rather a reply to…

Twitter, Obamacare and JFK

I love Twitter. One of the coolest things ever created, Twitter is a worldwide digital forum where anyone can express a thought, an opinion or give directions about anything anytime. As a social media website that has gathered a tremendous amount of traction, Twitter provides a means of quick and efficient communication between people who…

R.I.P. Joe Granville

Last month, one of the more memorable characters in the investment industry passed away. In the 1970s and 1980s, Joe Granville was one of the most, if not THE most, famous stock market prognosticators in America. I didn't say he was the BEST prognosticator, just one of the most famous. According to the Hulbert Financial…