Boyer & Corporon Makes the NABCAP List of Kansas City’s Premier Advisors

As a member of the investing public, where can you find an unbiased resource to help you select an advisor in the financial services industry? That question is what prompted the formation of the National Association of Board Certified Advisory Practices (NABCAP) in 2008, and their regular report of top practitioners in thirty-five plus U.S. markets – Boyer…

Ryan Gives Romney a Chance

The race for President of the United States just got interesting. Mitt Romney’s choice of Paul Ryan as his running mate pits Romney/Ryan against Obama/what’s-his-name. Romney has signaled his lack of desperation by NOT choosing a running mate as inexperienced as what’s-her-name, and his choice of Paul Ryan is a bold statement that this campaign…

Boyer & Corporon Ranks in the Top 25 Kansas City-Based RIA Firms

BrightScope, a leading provider of independent financial information and investment research, has listed Boyer & Corporon in the top 25 of Kansas City area-based Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) firms - ranking #14. This list, which is part of a regularly issued BrightScope series, focuses on individual money management, with the greatest amount of assets under…

Cindy Wysong Joins BCWM as Para Planner

Boyer & Corporon Wealth Management (Boyer & Corporon) welcomes Cindy Wysong as the firm’s new para planner. She will provide technical support for the firm’s lead financial advisors, including data gathering, case design, scenario building and plan development – for their growing client list in Kansas City and nationwide. A life-long learner with a strong…

Laura Carley Becomes a 2013 Level III CFA Candidate

Laura Carley, a BCWM Wealth Advisor, has joined an elite group of individuals becoming a 2013 Level III Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Candidate. Upon completion of this final Level, Laura will officially hold a CFA designation, one of the most respected and recognized professional credentials in the global financial field. The CFA Program, offered by…