Congratulations to Mindy Corporon, Laura Carley and Molly Clark (wife of Wealth Advisor Eric Clark) for the completion of the 2012 WIN for KC Triathlon! The Women’s Intersport Network for Kansas City (WIN for KC) is a national leader in empowering girls and women through physical fitness and sports participation. A volunteer organization, WIN for…
The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) recently upheld the constitutionality of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, aka “Obamacare.” The justices didn’t say they liked Obamacare…they just stated it was constitutional. In a 5-4 vote, the Court ruled that it was within the power of Congress to impose a tax on a…
Facebook shares began trading publicly this past month. The Initial Public Offering (IPO) of Facebook was the most exciting and over-hyped IPO in a long time… maybe ever. Everyone wanted in on it because everyone was sure the stock price would do nothing but go up after the first minute of trading. The media absolutely…
Mindy Corporon was unanimously elected to the Blue Valley Educational Foundation Board of Directors, and will begin her term as of July 1, 2012. The Blue Valley Educational Foundation was created as a non-profit organization, separate from the district itself, in order to help supplement the needs of the students in the Blue Valley School…
I just returned from back-to-back conferences featuring some of the brightest minds in the investment industry. The Strategic Investment Conference, May 2-5, was followed by the 65th annual Conference of the CFA Institute May 6-9. At the CFA Conference, Daniel Kahneman delivered a talk he called “Psychology for Behavioral Finance” in which he attempted to…