One (Difficult) Year Later

The human mind has a convenient way of helping us forget painful events . . . a way of emphasizing good memories and minimizing scary ones. Empty toilet paper shelves, empty office buildings, and empty movie theaters all seem to be distant and less severe images today than a year ago. The rush to manufacture…

What We Don’t Do . . .

Most of our investors have a general idea of what we do. Manage money. Look for good investment opportunities. Avoid unnecessary risk. You know, the usual stuff. Every now and then comes the opportunity to illustrate what we don’t do. If you have been paying attention (and believe us, it’s better if you haven’t been…

The Year to Remember to Forget

Last week we conducted a webinar for private clients of BCWM where we    recapped last year, the worst year in recent history. Not the worst year for  investments . . . just the worst year. We reflected back to January 2020, when headlines began warning of a new virus originating in Wuhan, China (and how…

Where’s the Money?

The first eleven months of 2020 have been some of the most memorable months on record . . . and we hope to never remember them again. December, by comparison, has been rather mundane and somewhat boring so far in terms of financial news. While the COVID infection numbers continue to increase each day, the         …

America: Bigger Than Who is President

When it comes to politics, there seems to be little you can know for certain anymore. But one thing all of us can absolutely bank on in the future is that we can safely ignore pollsters. Where do they get these people? Apparently once you have completely failed at every possible occupation, you have officially…