Where’s the Money?

The first eleven months of 2020 have been some of the most memorable months on record . . . and we hope to never remember them again. December, by comparison, has been rather mundane and somewhat boring so far in terms of financial news. While the COVID infection numbers continue to increase each day, the         …

America: Bigger Than Who is President

When it comes to politics, there seems to be little you can know for certain anymore. But one thing all of us can absolutely bank on in the future is that we can safely ignore pollsters. Where do they get these people? Apparently once you have completely failed at every possible occupation, you have officially…

Elections and COVID. . . Can’t Wait for Both to be History

Only 18 more days until our country experiences the most contentious election in over 150 years. The election of 1864 might have been a tad bit more        contentious . . . . . . but the Trump/Biden election seems to be right up there. A couple of weeks ago we hosted a private webinar for…

Stock Markets and Presidents

It is September in an election year and, yes, we are getting the question . . . “What do you think will happen if (the presidential candidate you despise) wins the election?” The answer? We don’t know. But here’s what we do know. What is happening in the world (a.k.a.               geopolitics) is much bigger than the president…

DON’T TRY THIS AT HOME (we are professionals)

The wonderful (and dangerous) thing about our business is that it frequently appears to be so simple. And some days it actually IS simple . . . until it isn’t. True story. Back in the good old “dot com” days, we had a client call up and say “I just got a hot tip. I…